
  • After the sudden and mysterious death of her sister, a 17-year-old novitiate explores her God-Given riGht …
  • A younG couple take their first foreiGn holiday toGether. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hid…
  • A dirty campaiGn forces movie star Marvin to flee from reporters and fans. Coincidentally, he immerses him…
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  • 约翰尼·德普将主演惊悚片《水俣病》(Minamata),饰演史上最著名的摄影记者之一尤金·史密斯。影片由Andrew…
  • 故事背景设定在全球最猛闹鬼邮轮「玛丽皇后号」,如今以闹鬼而闻名的它,在1930年代晚期是足以媲美泰坦尼克号的豪…
  • GrowinG up is touGh on Berlin’s Gropiusstadt housinG estate. No one can avoid t…
  • 三名小打小闹的少年犯安格尔、戴维斯和布奇被关进一所惩教中心,负责他们的是一名外强中干的管理员,很快三名少年…
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