
  • 在帕帕甘杰地方法院,法律秩序与纷杂混乱撞出火花。在那里工作的古怪职员们努力维护司法正义,但也免不了遭遇各种…
  • A group of Indian Forest Service officers, NGO workers, police constables and Good Samaritans risk their l…
  • In 1975, a filmmaker agrees to collaborate on a film with a gangster who wishes to become a famous actor.
  • Set in Visakhapatnam, the story is about four lives and their roller-coaster romantic ride.
  • 四名年輕男子初嚐心碎滋味,計劃以驚天動地的方式報復拋棄他們的前女友,卻因此學得發人深省的一課。
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